Cell Tower – Wolf Lodge

Hi All,

The appeal by Verizon for the proposed cell tower in the Wolf Lodge area was voted down by Kootenai County Commissioners, Leslie Duncan and Bruce Mattare on June 13, 2024.  (Bill Brooks was absent for the vote.)  The commissioners explained that there was sufficient cell coverage even though there are dropped calls during peak usage time.  Having a weak signal is still considered sufficient coverage.  In addition, Commissioners confirmed that property in the vicinity of cell towers does in fact reduce the value of real estate.  

Thank you to all who took time out of their busy schedules to attend this important hearing.  Showing up en mass definitely puts pressure on our elected officials to vote according to the will of the people.  Keep showing up to these hearings and bring more and more friends, family and neighbors.

If you would like to donate to our cause to help us continue to get the word out go to stopsmartcities.com.  Join our telegram channel at Stop Smart Cities Idaho.

Lot on 5G

Tell Your State Legislators We Need Utility Meter Choice!
Smart and digital utility meters are actively being deployed in Hawaii without adequately informing consumers of the health, safety and privacy risks.If you missed the safe technology webinar I co-hosted with Cece Doucette, here’s a link to our YouTube recording packed with helpful informationhttps://youtu.be/CUSa0BOPkdcAnd here’s a link to download Cece’s slides. I HIGHLY recommend you download these as they contain a goldmine of helpful information that answers every question you might have and could literally save your lifehttps://alpaca-chinchilla-x6xf.squarespace.com/s/Doucette-HI-Tech-Safety-Presentation-10-JAN-2024.pdf Mainstream media is waking up! The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) did an piece on “EMF Victims.” View it on YouTube 7mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiXR77yyO24 Fighting the Smartphone “Invasion.” A French village voted to ban scrolling in public. This is what happens through people power. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/10/fighting-the-smartphone-invasion-the-french-village-that-voted-to-ban-scrolling-in-public The Scientific & Medical Network featuring featuring Olle Johansson – Electrohypersensitivity: A Functional Impairment due to a Toxic Environment? https://scientificandmedical.net/vimeo/olle-johansson-electrohypersensitivity-a-functional-impairment-due-to-a-toxic-environment-27-december-2023/The BAD news: 50 Bills to Expand Wireless Infrastructure Up for Consideration by Federal LawmakersNo More Research on Cellphone Radiation and Human Health, Government Says Despite its own $30 million study that found evidence of cancer and DNA damage! Life in a Digital Prison: Digital IDs and Social Credit Scores You’ll also learn how the military secretly uses new wireless technologies and digitalization for control